Haiti 13 Jan, about two million of people were died when the strongest eartquake which measured 7.2 on the Richter scale, virtually destroyed the country's capital, Port-au-Prince, after hitting it with 35 times the force of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The quake is the most powerful to hit haiti in the 200 years. The electrical supplied was cut out and hit almost all district in Haiti. The bodies of victims neatly lined up, some covered in white sheets and some not.
Many of them are still trapped under the collapsed buildings, hoping for rescue team to save them. While others waiting for the medical, food, and water to continue their live. Aid organizations arrived from around the world to help the unfortunate Haitians,which have no home, no food, no water and no money to spend. People around the world who could feel the suffer would help them to rebuild their country by donating or act as volunteers because Haiti is not a rich country which is most Haitians are only farmers.

This image, from the commercially-operated GeoEye-1 satellite on the day after the earthquake, shows some buildings reduced to rubble. GeoEye-1 orbits 425 miles above the earth, but people show up as dark dots in the picture (http://abcnews.go.com/)
Innalillahi wa innnailaihiraji'un...
This earthquakes situations is just like a Tsunami.
God wants to remind us, what we have to keep in minds. Allah love us, and Allah knows best.
May this disaster bring us back to the right path. InsyaAllah. Ameen.
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