Floods are primarily natural events, it occurs when water overflows or inundates land that's normally dry, commonly is happen when the river or streams overflow their banks. Usually floods take hours or even days to develop, so it given ample time to prepare or evacuate, but the floods also generate quickly and with little warning it can be extremely dangerous. Sometimes power surges cause machinery to explode or flash floods are so strong, they can carry cars off the road and trains off the tracks.
Human activity that changes the surface of the Earth also affects the water cycle, and can cause floods. It happen under normal circumstances, soil acts like a sponge and soaks up a fair portion of rainwater, but in crowded towns and cities, rainwater flows into storm sewers and drainage ditches, and at the same times the floods can overloads them. An urban area can be flooded by an amount of rainfall that would have had no impact in a rural area.
There are two basic types of floods, the first types of floods is when the floods happen in a regular river flood, the water slowly climbs over the edges of a river. The other type is the more dangerous flood is a flash flood, it normally occurs when a wall of water quickly sweeps over an area.
For people, floods give some effect for economic, emotional,and diseases such as, in the United States, where flood mitigation and prediction is advanced, floods do about $6 billion worth of damage and kill about 140 people every year and in China's Yellow River valley, where some of the world's worst floods have occurred, millions of people have perished in floods during the last century, (www.nationalgeographic.com).
For the environmentally floods it can be given important to local ecosystem, it happen because some river floods will bring nutrient to soil, for the example the Nile River in Egypt that would floods every year and bring nutrient. The people must be having a better understanding of floods cause because, the information about floods can help you to better prepare and perhaps minimize or prevent flood damage.
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